Copper Wire

Copper Wire 1.24 MM

Copper Wire 1.24 MM
Size (mm) 1.24
Diameter (mm) 1.22 : 1.26
Area (mm) 2 1.20
Copper Content (%) min. 99.98
Elongation (%) min. 25
Conductivity (Ms/m min. 56
Resistively at 20c° (Ω/m) 0.01479

Copper Wire According to ES:11-2008

Copper Wire According to ES:11-2008
Content (%)
Low Value for
Load Cutting (N)
Resistively at 20c° (Ω/Km) Weight for Length
Unit (Kg/Km)
Diameter Wire Cross Section
Area (mm2)
Max. Value (Ω/Km) Min. Value (Ω/Km) Max Value (mm) Min. Value (mm) Name Value (mm)
min. 99.98 583 12.66 12.41 12.73 1.364 1.337 1.35 1.43
min. 99.98 1997 3.694 3.620 43.64 2.525 2.475 2.5 4.91
min. 99.98 2687 2.745 2.690 58.72 2.929 2.871 2.90 6.61